About the Journal
1. Mission and Vision
The mission of the "Lantyer Educacional Scientific Journal: Law and Technology" is to foster an academic environment where legal and technological knowledge not only coexists but interconnects and evolves synergistically. The vision is to be a leading source and discussion forum for the most pressing issues at the interface of Law and Technology, influencing academic thought and informing professional practice.
Thus, the "Lantyer Educacional Scientific Journal: Law and Technology" establishes itself as an essential resource for all those interested in the future of Law in the digital era, offering a unique and valuable perspective on how technology continues to shape the legal world.
2. Peer Review Process
The methodology adopted for manuscript evaluation is the Double Blind Review. In this process, each submitted work is carefully analyzed by two ad hoc reviewers, selected based on their expertise and affinity with the manuscript's theme. These reviewers, for the most part, are not affiliated with the institution responsible for publishing the journal and are recognized annually in a list of ad hoc reviewers.
Once submitted, the manuscript undergoes a detailed review by the ad hoc reviewers. They are responsible for examining, proposing adjustments, and improvements to the work. After this stage, the journal editor takes action, evaluating the suggestions and opinions, resolving any controversies, and making the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
After the editor's verdict, the manuscript is returned to the authors, who have the opportunity to implement the improvements recommended by the reviewers. Following the completion of these modifications, the authors send the final version of the work, accompanied by a report from a similarity detection software, such as CopySpider. This final document must be formatted according to the definitive template of the journal.
The evaluation process maintains the anonymity of both authors and ad hoc reviewers, ensuring impartiality and integrity of the review process. The interval between the receipt of the manuscript and the first response from the evaluation team is generally up to 15 days. The period between the receipt of the manuscript and its publication can take up to 180 days.
Significant advantages of the double-blind review process implemented by the journal include:
Maintaining the anonymity of authors and reviewers, ensuring a fair and impartial evaluation;
Promoting greater credibility and recognition of the journal's evaluation processes;
Effectively enhancing the communication and dissemination of research results presented.
3. Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices in Publication of e-Acadêmica
The journal is governed by a scientific arbitration process whose purpose is to ensure adherence to the highest ethical standards. Our commitment is to maintain an ethical alliance among all participants in the editorial process - Editors, Editorial Board, ad hoc Reviewers, and Authors. Our basis for these ethical practices is the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/files/Principles%20of%20Transparency%20and%20Best%20Practice%20in%20Scholarly%20Publishing.pdf) and Elsevier's recommendations on research integrity (https://www.elsevier.com/pt-br/open-science/science-and-society/research-integrity).
3.1. Roles and Responsibilities of Editors:
Maintain and promote good editorial practices.
Select articles that align with the thematic scope of the e-Acadêmica journal for inclusion in the editorial process, considering criteria such as the relevance of the theme, publication guidelines, and legality in matters of defamation, copyright, and plagiarism.
Protect the identity and preserve the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers during the arbitration process.
Safeguard intellectual property and copyright rights.
Manage an anonymous arbitration process (double-blind peer review) in a fair and impartial manner.
Guide Guest Editors, Authors, and Reviewers on the editorial process and peer review arbitration, including submissions, evaluations, and subsequent procedures.
Select suitable reviewers and keep their registration up to date.
Ensure that unpublished materials in a submitted article are not used for research or publications without the authors' permission.
Respond to ethical questions related to published articles, following COPE guidelines.
Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.
Ensure independence and autonomy in editorial decisions.
3.2. Responsibilities of Guest Editors:
Define themes and scopes for special editions and organize the submission schedule and editorial process.
Prepare the presentation of special editions.
Guide authors on the conception of special editions and the corresponding editorial process.
Analyze and approve submitted articles that fall within the scope of the special number, considering publication criteria and legality.
3.3. Commitments of Authors:
Know and adhere to the focus, scope, and guidelines of the journal.
Ensure the originality of the submitted article and, in the case of expanding works from scientific events, ensure an in-depth and significant analysis.
Commit to ethics and integrity in the development of the article, reflecting systematic investigations and studies.
Not submit the same article to multiple journals simultaneously.
Observe ethical norms in research involving human beings.
Avoid plagiarism and give proper credit to all sources used.
Ensure that the article has not been previously published and, in cases of translation of international publications, include this information on the first page.
Maintain communication with the Editors and inform them of the need for corrections in published articles.
Attribute authorship only to individuals who have made a significant contribution to the article.
4. Periodicity
The journal is a continuous publication, organized in biannual numbers.
5. Open Access Policy
The journal adopts an immediate open-access policy, promoting global democratization of scientific knowledge.
6. Free Publication
No publication fee will be charged.
7. Publication Ethics and Declaration of Negligence in Publication
The journal is dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards and preventing negligence in publication. We do not tolerate any form of unethical behavior or plagiarism. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their works are original and not under review in other journals.
8. Plagiarism Software
We request a similarity detection software report at the time of submitting the final manuscript version to ensure transparency and integrity of the published research.
In the case of CopySpider software, available at http://www.copyspider.com.br/main/, authors must send the report showing that the article has a maximum of 3% similarity with other files (and justification if it is more than 3%).